Humberto Valle, PhD


Humberto Valle, PhD

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC)

Appointments at Latitude Wellness:

Tuesday: 8:30am-1:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am-1:30pm
Thursday: 2pm-8pm
Friday: 2pm-8pm
Saturday: 9am-6:30pm


With over 13 years of experience, I am a passionate clinical counsellor who aims to create a safe and supportive therapeutic environment where I can work with my clients to achieve their health, life, and career goals. Over the years, I have helped many clients cope with anxiety and depressive symptoms, solve relationship issues, and enhance their self-esteem using evidence-based techniques and interventions rooted in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

I started my journey at the Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico, in 2005, where I earned my Bachelor’s degree. At the time, I got interested in understanding the etiology and maintenance of psychological disorders. This led me to pursue a Master’s in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain in 2010. The experience further honed my expertise and knowledge in CBT and mental illness. At the time, I started working with clients and fell in love with the clinical work. One year after obtaining my Master’s degree, I realized the need to develop my counsellor skills further to offer my clients the best possible treatments. With that in mind, I pursued and achieved a Doctor of Psychology degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in 2019. My unwavering dedication to learning, passion for staying up-to-date with the latest research, and commitment to delivering my clients the best possible treatment have fuelled my career through the years.
(see more below)


I am a clinical counselor with over 13 years of experience in the field. My goal is to create a safe therapeutic environment where I work collaboratively with my clients to help them achieve their health, life, and career goals. Over the years, I have helped numerous clients overcome symptoms such as anxiety and depression, resolve relationship issues, and strengthen their self-esteem using approaches based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

My path began at the University of Monterrey, Mexico, in 2005, where I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. From that point on, my interest focused on understanding the root and maintenance of psychological disorders. This led me to obtain a Master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in 2010. That experience further enriched my skills and knowledge in CBT and the mental health field. It was at that time that I began working with patients and discovered my true passion for clinical work. A year after earning my Master’s degree, I understood the importance of further developing my skills as a counselor to provide my patients with the most effective treatments possible. With that purpose in mind, I earned a PhD in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2019. My unwavering dedication, my enthusiasm for staying abreast of the latest research, and my commitment to providing my patients with the best treatment, have driven my career forward over the years.

At the core of my therapeutic approach lies a collaborative mindset. I work hand-in-hand with my clients and strive to create a solid therapeutic alliance that creates a safe and supportive environment promoting their growth. Helping people make positive changes in their lives brings me immense fulfillment as a clinician.

Throughout my years of clinical practice, I have successfully employed CBT-based interventions to help many clients live more fulfilling lives. Beyond my clinical practice, I have worked inside organizations assessing work-related stress and promoting emotional well-being among employees. Moreover, I have successfully employed CB intervention tools to help my clients attain their career and life goals on numerous occasions.

The changes a person can attain by enrolling in therapy can be life-changing. However, despite the formal setting surrounding the clinical practice, I always strive to bring an element of positivity and humour into my interactions with clients. When appropriate, I believe humour can create an atmosphere where clients can normalize their situation and allow themselves to approach their issues from a fresh perspective. I strive to create a non-judgmental space that enables clients to be authentic and where we can build a strong and collaborative therapeutic relationship. As a counsellor, I pride myself on being a trustworthy and empathetic clinician with every client I have the privilege to work with.


En el núcleo de mi enfoque terapéutico, reside la colaboración. Busco trabajar codo a codo con mis clientes, creando una alianza terapéutica sólida y un entorno que fomente su crecimiento. Nada me satisface más que ayudar a las personas a lograr cambios positivos en sus vidas.

A lo largo de mi trayectoria clínica, he aplicado exitosamente intervenciones basadas en la TCC para ayudar a muchos clientes a vivir vidas más plenas. Además de mi labor clínica, he trabajado en organizaciones evaluando el estrés laboral y promoviendo el bienestar emocional entre los empleados. Asimismo, he utilizado con éxito herramientas de intervención basadas en la TCC para ayudar a mis clientes a alcanzar sus metas personales y profesionales en numerosas ocasiones.

La transformación que una persona experimenta al participar en terapia puede genera un gran impacto en su vida. A pesar del entorno formal que rodea la práctica clínica, siempre procuro infundir un toque de positividad y humor en mis interacciones con los clientes. Cuando es apropiado, creo que el humor puede crear un ambiente en el que los clientes puedan normalizar su situación y abordar sus problemas desde una perspectiva fresca. Mi objetivo es crear un espacio sin juicios que permita a los pacientes ser auténticos, y donde juntos podamos construir una sólida y colaborativa relación terapéutica.

Get to know Humberto Valle



Panic Attacks,

Stress Management & Burnout,


Dysthymic disorder,

Bipolar disorder,

Self and Career Growth,

Relationship issues, and Self-esteem concerns & issues.

Ansiedad, fobias, ataques de pánico, manejo del estrés y burnout , depresión, trastorno distímico, trastorno bipolar, crecimiento personal y profesional, problemas de pareja y baja autoestima.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC)



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