Naturopathic Medicine

Vancouver Naturopathic at Latitude Wellness. Offering you a holistic approach to your health and wellness.

Naturopathic medicine is a comprehensive and natural approach to healthcare that focuses on supporting and stimulating the body's inherent ability to heal itself. It combines traditional healing wisdom with modern scientific research to provide individualized treatment plans. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) emphasize a holistic approach, taking into account your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Why Seek Out a Naturopathic Doctor?

Personalized Care
Naturopathic doctors take the time to understand your unique health history, lifestyle, and genetic predispositions. They tailor their treatment plans to address your specific needs and support your body's natural healing mechanisms.
Root Cause Analysis
Rather than simply alleviating symptoms, naturopathic doctors aim to identify and address the underlying causes of your health concerns. By addressing the root cause, they can help you achieve long-lasting results and improve your overall well-being.
Integrative Approach
Naturopathic medicine embraces both traditional healing practices and evidence-based therapies. Naturopathic doctors combine natural treatments such as herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and physical medicine with conventional diagnostic tools and treatments when necessary.
Prevention and Optimal Wellness
Naturopathic doctors prioritize preventive care and work with you to create a roadmap for optimal health. By promoting healthy lifestyle choices, identifying potential health risks, and addressing imbalances early on, they help you achieve and maintain vibrant well-being.

In naturopathic medicine, the focus is not only on treating existing health issues but also on preventive care. Naturopathic doctors work closely with their patients to develop individualized treatment plans that address the whole person—physically, mentally, and emotionally. They take into account a patient's unique health history, lifestyle, and genetic predispositions to tailor their approach and support the body's natural healing processes. It is important to note, Naturopathic doctors often collaborate with other healthcare providers to provide comprehensive and integrated care for their patients.

Naturopathic Services:

Nutritional Support
We use therapeutic diets and nutritional supplements to address underlying deficiencies, support body systems, and prevent or reverse disease progression.
Lifestyle Counselling
We address diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management to promote sustainable health and longevity.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Targeted dosing of prescription hormones to restore and support optimal hormonal function in Perimenopause, Menopause and other hormonal conditions such as PCOS and more
Aesthetics (Botox Treatments)
We offer aesthetic Botox (Dysport) treatments to relax muscles, reduce signs of aging and smooth fine lines and wrinkles
Prescription Medications
Our Naturopathic Doctors are authorized to prescribe pharmaceutical medications when needed.
Injection Therapies
○ Intramuscular (IM) injections (Vitamin D and Vitamin B12)

○ Vitamin and Mineral Intravenous (IV) therapy

○ Iron IV Therapy
Physical Exams
We offer full screening physical exams to provide a thorough assessment of the human body from head to toe.
Lab Testing
We offer a range of standardized and private testing options to support your diagnosis and treatment plan, including

○ food allergy & sensitivity testing,

○ hormone analysis,

○ adrenal stress hormone analysis,

○ thyroid testing,

○ celiac disease testing,

○ SIBO testing

○ lactose intolerance testing

○ comprehensive digestive stool analysis

○ blood sugar testing,

○ pregnancy tests,

○ nutritional deficiency testing

○ regular annual screening panels
At Latitude Wellness, we are committed to providing comprehensive, personalized care to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

Meet Your Practitioners

Dr. Grace Ni
Dr. Grace Ni
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Rochelle Harder
Dr. Rochelle Harder
Naturopathic Doctor
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